
Kolla på den här underbart vackra frukosten jag hittade på i morse! Det är pannkakor med äpple, granatäpple, rågkross och kanel i. Det blev supergott. Sedan är det toppat med jordnötssmör, granatäpple, lite honung och cacao nibs. Jag köpte cacao nibsen igår! Det är helt enkelt bara krossade kakaobönor. De innehåller jättemycket bra vitaminer, mineraler, fetter och antioxidanter. De är rika på kostfiber och är helt ekologiska och RAW!  Det är universums superfrukt kan man säga! De har en väldigt speciell smak, men ändå goda på något vis! Testa!
Här har ni receptet på pannkakorna!
2 ägg
3/4 dl granatäppelkärnor
1 äpple
1 1/2 tsk kanel
1/2 - 1 dl vetemjöl
1/2 - 1 dl grahamsmjöl
1 msk rågkross
cacao nibs
flytande honung
gör så här
1. Vispa äggen lätt och häll i rågkross, kanel och granatäpple.
2. Riv äpplet och bland med äggsmeten. 
3. Tillsätt mjöl tills smeten fått en ganska tjock konsistens. 
4. Stek pannkakorna i olja ungefär 3-5 minuter per sida. 
5. Servera med jordnötssmör, cacao nibs och ringla över lite flytande honung!

christmas is just around the corner folks

Jag provade en ny grej igår. Blev så inspirerad att baka något och ville testa något helt nytt. Så jag gjorde dessa juliga lingonmuffins. Det som är speciellt med dem är att de är glutenfria, de har inget vanligt mjöl i sig utan jag använde kokosflingor jag mixat till ett "mjöl" istället som bas! Det blev fantastiskt gott faktiskt! Tillsammans med syrliga lingonen och lite andra kryddiga ingredienser blev de extremt juliga och mysiga! Ni borde prova det! Här har ni receptet. 
200 gr kokosflingor
2 tsk kanel
1 msk kardemumma
1 tsk bakpulver
2 tsk ingefära
1 banan
0.5 dl olja
lite flytande honung
2 ägg
2 dl lingon
gör så här

1. Mixa kokosflingorna till en mjölliknande konsistens. 

2. Blanda kanel, kardemumma, bakpulver och ingefära med kokosmjölet. 

3. Mosa bananen och blanda med olja och honung. 

4. Vispa äggen pösiga och rör ihop med bananblandningen. 

5. Vänd försiktigt i äggblandningen med kokosmjölsmixen och tillsätt lingonen. 

6. Häll upp i formar och grädda i 175 grader i 15-20 minuter. Räcker till 11 muffins. 



super power oats on a gloomy november morning

Oh, hi there. Look at these beautiful oats I had this morning. They tasted just as good as they look. It is oatmeal with apples, flax seeds, peanut butter, egg whites and raspberries. SO FILLING and so unbelievably delicious!
Anywho, yesterday I had to say good bye to my sister to go back to Umeå. She's been spending the past week down here in Gothenburg and it's been amazing! I have some cute pictures we took that I'll show you! Other than taking pictures we've been baking, watching movies, talking, strolling around in Gothenburg, gone second hand shopping (and done some pretty darn good vintage finds if I may say so!), just been cozying around and lots of other stuff! :)
I already miss her terribly. However, she is actually coming back pretty soon, with my mother, in only 32 days!!!
Have a nice day everybody!

a whimsical summer day out on an island

Let's look back to the island where my family spent a whole week this summer! Here are some pictures of what we did one day! We had a long and nice breakfast, made cinnamon buns, hung out on the beach, visited a cute little sheep farm where we bought sheep meat, made an exquisite dinner on the barbeque, sat outside in the sun chatting and just spent time together!

fruity watermelons and juicy limes

Today is a beautiful day! I am packing and preparing for my one and a half month long vacation away from home. This morning however I've taken a break. It is hot and sunny and wonderful outside, so it is a perfect day for a fresh fruitsalad with watermelon, apples, bananas, lime peel and lime juice. Sweet but still a bit tart. Scrumptious.

tres tres chic

This is my new favorite thing in the world. Mix a frozen banana with some frozen raspberries and a little bit of cottage cheese. Serve with some crushed walnuts. It is so smooth and yummy and fluffy at the same time. It was delicious. It was perfect for a gloomy friday afternoon like this one. If you don't like raspberries simply replace it with blueberries or strawberries or any other berry frozen fruit! By the way, aren't my little pastel cans that looks like french miniature boutiques. I found them at a flea market last summer! Adorable.

strawberry chocolate bananas

I thought I'd show you what my sister, her boyfriend, my friend and I did a while ago. We started a fire while up at our camp and made these delicious looking bananas. Simply put fresh strawberries and chocolate pieces in a banana, wrap in aluminum foil and put in the fire for approximately 10 minutes. It came out so soft and gooey and chocolatey and absolutely fantastic. Think about the long summer nights when you can have a bonfire outside and make these! When you can sit around the fire wrapped up in blankets and enjoy the summer. I am thinking it will be perfect for the San Francisco trip I'm making! Can't wait.

double zucchini avocado cream lunch

I made this up the other day when I had to eat lunch. I know it looks absolutely weird but it was so good! And guess what else? It was eeeeasy to make as well! Take one half of a zucchini and slice it into half an inch thick pieces. Fry for a few minutes on each side until golden brownish. Mix one avocado, a couple of cherry tomatoes, one teaspoon of red pesto, half a cup of cottage cheese, some salt and pepper. Serve with couscous and raisins, decorated with fresh thyme. Delicious!

crazy yellow people walking

Breakfast in bed is undefeatable. Doing nothing productive whatsoever, just being lazy forever. Scrambled eggs, granola, yoghurt, cottage cheese, almond flour, raspberries, brie cheese on crisp bread with rhubarb marmalade, grapefruit and orange juice. Freggin delish.


Look at this breakfast I made for this wonderful Saturday morning! I've wanted to try almond flour for the longest time so I bought that yesterday! This morning I obviously had to use it so I made this Granola Yoghurt Berry Almond Madness! This is how I made it: layer vanilla yoghurt, granola, raspberries, cottage cheese, almond flou and flax seeds. Repeat until the glass is filled! I ate finn crisp with eggs, pepper turkey, sea salt and fresh basil as well, a glass of juice and a cup of steaming hot coffee. It was heavenly. It is beautiful out today so after watching Big Bang Theory for absolutely too long I'll probably go out for a run! Or not. Anyhow. Enjoy your Saturday folks!


trouble melts like lemon drops, high above the chimney tops

Remember how I made overnight-oats-in-a-jar the other day? I got all bored from studying so I made this personalized breakfast-jar. It says My Oatmeal Jar! Isn't it adorable? That night I made the overnight oats like I made last time, only I added cardamom and skipped the bananas. It seriously tasted like freshly baked cinnamon buns...weirdly enough. However it was delish!

around the corner everyday

Yesterday I made this for breakfast. Oatmeal made with rolled oats, psyllium seeds and flax seeds; topped with kiwi and raspberries. An egg with sprinkles of salt. Green rose and pinapple tea. Rye crisp bread with pepper turkey and avocado. Exotic fruit juice with fresh blood orange pieces.

A scrumptious breakfast on a regular wednesday.

don't you think that you could use some charm?

I made this as my dinner the other day when it was only my sister and I at home. We had just come back from our camp in the mountains and our fridge were --- empty. It was ridiculous. There was nothing to eat. That's a lie though. Anyways, everything on this plate is from the freezer. I had forgot how good frozen vegetables actually are! What I made looks very similar to something I just posted but oh well. This is what it is: broccoli, green beans, soy beans, spinach, cherry tomatoes, salmon, lentils, sunflower seeds and pesto. Freggin yummy is what it was!

super duper fast granola scrumptiousness

When I came home today I had the strongest craving for granola. Or to be more specific, homemade granola with coconut flakes in it. We did not have any granola whatsoever at home so I had to take action. Granola usually takes a long time to do since the roasting is supposed to be done in the oven but I had no patience for that. Therefore I just made in a regular frying pan on the stove and that worked out just fine! And took no longer than 5 minutes. For real. You can mix pretty much whatever you want when you make granola but this is how I did it!

add as much as you like of every ingredient, there are no measurements really...

coconut flakes
rolled oats
crushed rye
goji berries
dried apricots cut into pieces
sunflower seeds
flax seeds

Roast everything in a pan for approximately five minutes. Stir the entire time so nothing gets burnt! Tip: When the goji berries have gone from a reddish color to an orange one and they are puffy, you know it's done! Eat with flavorless yoghurt and drizzle some honey on top instead. So, so, so good!

a breakfast-in-a-jar kind of day

This is a new thing I found on probably the coolest food blog ever: italktofood! It's called Overnight Oats In A Jar! I found it last night when I was already in bed but I had to get up and make because I got so excited about it. It looks questionable I'll admit that, but it was delish! If you love oatmeal like I do you'll enjoy the most out of this, cause it is already done when you wake up in the morning, hence the name overnight oats. I added banana pieces and milk to it in the morning. Good decision I must day.

This is how you make it! The measurements are the American ones so if you don't have those just use the regular Swedish ones and a coffe cup for the cup measurements.


1/2 cup Rolled Oats
1/2 tbsp psyllium seeds
1/2 tbsp ground flax seeds
1/2 tsp honey
1/2 cup milk
1/4 cup frozen raspberries

Put everything in a jar the night before you'd like to eat it. Stir, screw the lid on and wait. Eat straight out of the jar with milk and banana pieces! So yummy.

lemony lentil loveliness

If you're a veggie lover like I am you will adore this. I was desperate for a good lunch when I came back from a long run today so I threw this together and it came out far better than I could've imagined! The measurements, for everything but the lentils, are really vague...so just mix the way you like it!


1 dl red lentils
2 dl water

1/2 zucchini
1 tomato
one big carrot
1 cup soy beans
1 1/2 cup green beans

a piece of halloumi cheese
some sunflower seeds
handful of raisins
itty-bitty-little of turmeric (just for the lovely colors sake)
sea salt & pepper

raspberry balsamic vinegar
lemon olive oil
fresh basil

Let lentils come to a boil in water. Turn heat down and let them simmer for 10 minutes. Chop and fry the veggies for approx 10 minutes as well. Add halloumi pieces, sunflower seeds, raisins, turmeric, salt and pepper when the veggies are golden brown and softish-like. Drizzle some balsamic vinegar and olive oil over the whole thing. Serve the lentils on the side with some chopped basil on top!

a banana-applelicious-snack

This is a delicious snack I made yesterday! It fills you right up. Simply chop an apple in pieces and fry for a couple of minutes with sunflower seeds and cinnamon and cardamom. Then add banana pieces and fry for another minute. EAT! It is fantastic. You get a taste of apple pie mixed with banana bread, it is so good.

nobody said it was fair, the flower looks good in your hair

Breakfast suggestion for a stressful friday morning or a calm saturday one. Anyhow it is gooood.

feeling good

Eating saffron salmon with zucchini pasta. Watching All the king's men. Having quality time with my mum. Loving it.

la valse des vieux

This is a soup made from broccoli, cauliflower and spinach. If you eat with some sautéed chanterelles and a dollop of sour cream on top it is absolutely delicious.

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