Kolla på den här underbart vackra frukosten jag hittade på i morse! Det är pannkakor med äpple, granatäpple, rågkross och kanel i. Det blev supergott. Sedan är det toppat med jordnötssmör, granatäpple, lite honung och cacao nibs. Jag köpte cacao nibsen igår! Det är helt enkelt bara krossade kakaobönor. De innehåller jättemycket bra vitaminer, mineraler, fetter och antioxidanter. De är rika på kostfiber och är helt ekologiska och RAW! Det är universums superfrukt kan man säga! De har en väldigt speciell smak, men ändå goda på något vis! Testa!
Här har ni receptet på pannkakorna!
2 ägg
3/4 dl granatäppelkärnor
1 äpple
1 1/2 tsk kanel
1/2 - 1 dl vetemjöl
1/2 - 1 dl grahamsmjöl
1 msk rågkross
cacao nibs
flytande honung
gör så här
1. Vispa äggen lätt och häll i rågkross, kanel och granatäpple.
2. Riv äpplet och bland med äggsmeten.
3. Tillsätt mjöl tills smeten fått en ganska tjock konsistens.
4. Stek pannkakorna i olja ungefär 3-5 minuter per sida.
5. Servera med jordnötssmör, cacao nibs och ringla över lite flytande honung!
christmas is just around the corner folks
Jag provade en ny grej igår. Blev så inspirerad att baka något och ville testa något helt nytt. Så jag gjorde dessa juliga lingonmuffins. Det som är speciellt med dem är att de är glutenfria, de har inget vanligt mjöl i sig utan jag använde kokosflingor jag mixat till ett "mjöl" istället som bas! Det blev fantastiskt gott faktiskt! Tillsammans med syrliga lingonen och lite andra kryddiga ingredienser blev de extremt juliga och mysiga! Ni borde prova det! Här har ni receptet.
200 gr kokosflingor
2 tsk kanel
1 msk kardemumma
1 tsk bakpulver
2 tsk ingefära
1 banan
0.5 dl olja
lite flytande honung
2 ägg
2 dl lingon
gör så här
1. Mixa kokosflingorna till en mjölliknande konsistens.
2. Blanda kanel, kardemumma, bakpulver och ingefära med kokosmjölet.
3. Mosa bananen och blanda med olja och honung.
4. Vispa äggen pösiga och rör ihop med bananblandningen.
5. Vänd försiktigt i äggblandningen med kokosmjölsmixen och tillsätt lingonen.
6. Häll upp i formar och grädda i 175 grader i 15-20 minuter. Räcker till 11 muffins.
peanut butter chocolate cream cake
These past few weeks have been filled with cake-making, and I do not mind whatsoever! I have made cakes for my dad's birthday, mother's day, my graduation and now my sister's birthday. THIS is the one I made for my sister's surprise party we threw for her (more pictures from that later).
So now I present to you...a five layer chocolate cake with peanut butter cream cheese filling, covered with a light chocolate frosting, drizzled with a chocolate sauce and sprinkled with peanuts! It tasted just as heavenly as it sounded. I'll post the recipe later. It was so easy to make so everyone should definitely try it! Not kidding.
So now I present to you...a five layer chocolate cake with peanut butter cream cheese filling, covered with a light chocolate frosting, drizzled with a chocolate sauce and sprinkled with peanuts! It tasted just as heavenly as it sounded. I'll post the recipe later. It was so easy to make so everyone should definitely try it! Not kidding.
strawberry meringue cake
I guess I can take a break from all the graduation pictures and focus on the food for a little bit. This is the cake I made for my graduation reception in the afternoon. A time for everyone to come to the graduate's house and celebrate the new freedom with them. I think it is awesome because I got to bake cookies, bread, cakes and make a whole lot of food for over a week! It was great!
The cake is made of a lemon meringue, whipped cream, vanilla cream, fresh strawberries and almond sprinkles. D-E-LICIOUS.
vanilla cream
whipped cream
fresh cut up strawberries
whipped cream
almond sprinkles
fresh mini strawberries
overnight crushed wheat bread
This is the simplest bread you'll ever deal with. I made it at 9 pm on a school night a few days ago. The next morning I had freshly homemade bread in 15 minutes - on a school morning! Freaking awesome! It is fluffy and luscious and healthy and delicious. Try it!
OVERNIGHT BREAD50 gr fresh yeast
10 dl water
2,5 tsp salt
2 tbsp honey
4 dl whole wheat flour
1,5 dl wheat bran
1 dl crushed wheat
9 dl spelt flour
9 dl wheat flour
Do this at night:
1. Crumble yeast in a LARGE bowl. It will rise a lot.
2. Add salt to the yeast and let it melt. (The salt starts a chemical reaction that makes this happen!)
3. Add lukewarm water and mix.
4. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix to loose dough. Do it by hand and not in a kitchen machine.
5. Cover with a kitchen towel and put in a cold place during the night.
Do this in the morning:
1. Preheat oven to 250 degrees celsius.
2. Put a lot of flour on baking board and carefully pour the dough on it. Don't knead it!
3. Carefully make a rectangle out of the dough. It is important that the air doesn't come out.
4. Cut the dough into four stripes and each stripe into five pieces. It is absolutely fine if they're uneven.
5. Put the unbaked bread pieces on a baking sheet and bake for 15-17 minutes. It is supposed to get a real good crust! Let cool on a rack. Eat!
swinging in the backyard, whistling my name
I'm telling you, you think you have eaten good cheesecake, but you haven't. I am almost positive you have not had this one and therefore you are all virgins to the experience of a really, really good cheesecake. As always it is the lovely Leila Lindholm who is the mastermind behind all the divine recipes like this. And not this time either has she disappointed me. I made it yesterday as a dessert but didn't have the time to taste it so last night when I got home from work at 1am I had a big piece of it with whipped cream on top. Sinfully delighted was it. I'll post the recipe in another post!
cardamom dream cookies
These cookies have a taste almost similar to freshly baked cinnamon buns. They are seriously heaven sent. Try them!
50 gr butter
1.5 dl sugar
1 tsp vanilla sugar
1 tsp ground cardamom
1 tsp ground cinnamon
0.5 dl canola oil
2 dl wheat flour
0.5 tsp ammonium carbonate (hjorthornssalt)
1. Preheat oven to 150 degrees celsius.
2. Cream together butter, sugar, cinnamon and cardamom until smooth. Gradually add oil whilst stirring.
3. Mix flour and ammonium carbonate, stir into batter.
4. Make little dough balls and place on greased pan.
5. Bake for 15 minutes. Let cool completely.
baby it's cold outside
This is the gingerbread house we made at the Helleday residence this year. It is supposed to be a merry-go-round but the strings holding up the gingerbread piglets were pathetic and weak and fell off. So now it just looks like a big white fat pole with pigs chilling under it. Exactly what we were going for. Oh well. It was fun making it and please take an extra thourough look at all the cute pearly and glistening sprinkles we have decorated this failed carousel-goes-pigsty-thingy with. Oh well, we're trashing it when tjugondag knut comes around anyways so.
dreams and schemes and circus crowds
Baking. Seriously the one thing in my world where it is feasible for me to be completely spontaneous. A hold of this and a hip of that becomes my mantra when baking. However, sometimes..or usually, wait..pretty much every time, something goes wrong. Probably because I am too hasty when reading the recipes. But that doesn't matter. Because the certainty of knowing that when you mix sugar, butter and eggs you will always get something scrumptious is quite satisfying actually. This is a time for me to shut down every thought in my mind and to just be. Even if I am probably the most energetic person I know this is a time where I can relax.
By the way, all these pictures are things that I have baked. First, a three-layer-cake with white and dark chocolate mousse, a fluffy raspberry cream and meringue. Second, a rhubarb and apple crumble pie. Third, a delicious bread with sunflower seeds. Fourth, carrot muffins with a cream cheese frosting. Fifth, a homemade lemon curd raspberry icecream with a chocolate chip cookie dough bottom and a dollop of lime cream cheese frosting. Maybe I'll post the recipes later sometime!