dreams and schemes and circus crowds

Baking. Seriously the one thing in my world where it is feasible for me to be completely spontaneous. A hold of this and a hip of that becomes my mantra when baking. However, sometimes..or usually, wait..pretty much every time, something goes wrong. Probably because I am too hasty when reading the recipes. But that doesn't matter. Because the certainty of knowing that when you mix sugar, butter and eggs you will always get something scrumptious is quite satisfying actually. This is a time for me to shut down every thought in my mind and to just be. Even if I am probably the most energetic person I know this is a time where I can relax.

By the way, all these pictures are things that I have baked. First, a three-layer-cake with white and dark chocolate mousse, a fluffy raspberry cream and meringue. Second, a rhubarb and apple crumble pie. Third, a delicious bread with sunflower seeds. Fourth, carrot muffins with a cream cheese frosting. Fifth, a homemade lemon curd raspberry icecream with a chocolate chip cookie dough bottom and a dollop of lime cream cheese frosting. Maybe I'll post the recipes later sometime!

Postat av: Pegah Zarassi

UNDERBART! Vi får bestämma någon dag snarast :D Haha nej oranget är inte fint! Spricker av längtan tills jag får måla om!

Ps. Hade jag varit en man hade du varit min drömkvinna! Jag hade nog blivit en rätt rund man fast en mycket lycklig en. Ds.

2011-11-27 @ 20:09:53
URL: http://pegahzuz.blogg.se/
Postat av: naomi

Men döda mig nu!!

2011-11-27 @ 20:36:16
Postat av: :)

Kan du lägga upp receptet till det på den sista bilden? det såg supergott ut! :D

2011-11-28 @ 20:28:50
Postat av: :)

Kan du lägga upp receptet till det på den sista bilden? det såg supergott ut! :D

2011-11-28 @ 20:29:23

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