
Kolla på den här underbart vackra frukosten jag hittade på i morse! Det är pannkakor med äpple, granatäpple, rågkross och kanel i. Det blev supergott. Sedan är det toppat med jordnötssmör, granatäpple, lite honung och cacao nibs. Jag köpte cacao nibsen igår! Det är helt enkelt bara krossade kakaobönor. De innehåller jättemycket bra vitaminer, mineraler, fetter och antioxidanter. De är rika på kostfiber och är helt ekologiska och RAW!  Det är universums superfrukt kan man säga! De har en väldigt speciell smak, men ändå goda på något vis! Testa!
Här har ni receptet på pannkakorna!
2 ägg
3/4 dl granatäppelkärnor
1 äpple
1 1/2 tsk kanel
1/2 - 1 dl vetemjöl
1/2 - 1 dl grahamsmjöl
1 msk rågkross
cacao nibs
flytande honung
gör så här
1. Vispa äggen lätt och häll i rågkross, kanel och granatäpple.
2. Riv äpplet och bland med äggsmeten. 
3. Tillsätt mjöl tills smeten fått en ganska tjock konsistens. 
4. Stek pannkakorna i olja ungefär 3-5 minuter per sida. 
5. Servera med jordnötssmör, cacao nibs och ringla över lite flytande honung!

christmas is just around the corner folks

Jag provade en ny grej igår. Blev så inspirerad att baka något och ville testa något helt nytt. Så jag gjorde dessa juliga lingonmuffins. Det som är speciellt med dem är att de är glutenfria, de har inget vanligt mjöl i sig utan jag använde kokosflingor jag mixat till ett "mjöl" istället som bas! Det blev fantastiskt gott faktiskt! Tillsammans med syrliga lingonen och lite andra kryddiga ingredienser blev de extremt juliga och mysiga! Ni borde prova det! Här har ni receptet. 
200 gr kokosflingor
2 tsk kanel
1 msk kardemumma
1 tsk bakpulver
2 tsk ingefära
1 banan
0.5 dl olja
lite flytande honung
2 ägg
2 dl lingon
gör så här

1. Mixa kokosflingorna till en mjölliknande konsistens. 

2. Blanda kanel, kardemumma, bakpulver och ingefära med kokosmjölet. 

3. Mosa bananen och blanda med olja och honung. 

4. Vispa äggen pösiga och rör ihop med bananblandningen. 

5. Vänd försiktigt i äggblandningen med kokosmjölsmixen och tillsätt lingonen. 

6. Häll upp i formar och grädda i 175 grader i 15-20 minuter. Räcker till 11 muffins. 



super power oats on a gloomy november morning

Oh, hi there. Look at these beautiful oats I had this morning. They tasted just as good as they look. It is oatmeal with apples, flax seeds, peanut butter, egg whites and raspberries. SO FILLING and so unbelievably delicious!
Anywho, yesterday I had to say good bye to my sister to go back to Umeå. She's been spending the past week down here in Gothenburg and it's been amazing! I have some cute pictures we took that I'll show you! Other than taking pictures we've been baking, watching movies, talking, strolling around in Gothenburg, gone second hand shopping (and done some pretty darn good vintage finds if I may say so!), just been cozying around and lots of other stuff! :)
I already miss her terribly. However, she is actually coming back pretty soon, with my mother, in only 32 days!!!
Have a nice day everybody!

crazy white and yellow sunshine strikes

This morning I got up three hours before starting school. Three hours. THREE HOURS! At 7AM I rolled out of bed, put on my running shoes and went outside. I had the luck to catch the sunrise on this brisk fall morning! I only went out for half an hour but it was great. I listened to a book at the same time called "Born to run". I DEFINITELY recommend it (as I was recommended by my very good friend). It is so inspiring and interesting!
When I got back from my run it had this yellowy and white inspired breakfast! Oatmeal with raisins, coconut flakes and bananas, and crisp bread with eggs and yellow peppers! :)

it's a wonderful lie

I just had some more pictures from spring break I wanted to share with you. I think they're so cozy. The first picture is the view from our window in our camp. Beautiful right? I miss it already. I want to not stress over school at all times, getting my driver's license or working out. I want to do it on my own terms and when I feel like I have the time and will to do it. Unfortunately that is not possible. However I have started watching Gossip Girl from the beginning again, hence the name of this post. Even if it not helpful whatsoever for my studies or anything I love watching it, in four days I watched two full seasons of it. That is approximately 20 straight hours of my life I spent watching a tv-show. Sweet.

all the cats and chicks can get their kicks at the hop

This is what I've been doing today! I went on a little ice-skating-picnic, sort of. Nah, the best word for it is the swedish one for a change. I went for an UTFLYKT! Haha. And there we were ice skating and had a picnic. We even made a little bonfire and made hot dogs and scones and stuff! The weather was beyond lovely..but hey, Captain Obvious, I don't think I need to be redundant and say that. I mean, who did not notice?!

little darling, it has been a long cold lonely winter

When I know it is going to be a long day I usually try to make up for it in the morning. To be a step ahead of myself breaking down. Today for example, I have a hard running workout to do, I am going to a meeting all the way across town, I have school and I have a test. So this morning I got up an hour earlier than I had to. I know it sound completely insane but try it sometime. Now I had the time to get ready without rushing and then eat a long and nice breakfast. That is what I call luxury. And on top of it all I had a really tasty breakfast as well. Eggs, oatmeal with cinnamon and raisins, grapefruit and coffee. Yu-uh-uhm.

You should all try it sometime. Getting up earlier to take time for that extra long, silent and relaxing breakfast. Seriously. It is worth it.

now I’m not strong enough to stop the bombs

To begin with I would just like to say how deeply sorry I am for my ridiculously long and obnoxiously silent absence. So much has been going on in my life recently I just haven't had the time to cram the blog in there as well. Pardon me. Please.

This picture is from this saturday where I squeezed in some quality time with these two adorable ladies for a late brunch, in between two work shifts. It was great. If you want to be naive you could say that it almost feels like spring is on its way. I can't wait for it to come for real though. These dark days and this cold makes me depressed. But the sun was out that saturday so I guess there is hope. Kind of.

the beat was going strong, playing my favorite song

I got a question why I quit dancing
, so I thought I'd answer that. When I went to America I wanted to keep up my dancing, and I did. For a little while. I started taking dance classes at a place called the Thomas School of Dance. It was ridiculously expensive but all worth it. I had to audition to get into the classes I wanted, which was kind of scary. But I got into the advanced ballet class, a performance dance class and a modern dance class. I was even put as an understudy in their annual ballet show, with pointe shoes and all. I had classes several times a week and it was so much fun and I learned so much.

But my organization got all crazy and made me choose between dancing and running when I moved to my new host family. And I had to choose whatever my host sister was doing (pretty weird request if you ask me, it left me with no choice really), which was running, so that's how I got all into running.

One might wonder why I didn't picked up dancing when I got back but I didn't for a lot of different reasons. Firstly, my old dance school here in Sweden went bankrupt. Secondly, all of my friends that I used to dance were all gone and that meant it wouldn't be any people in my age. And I have absolutely now time left for dancing now when I have school, work and all this working out for my super mega senior project I have to do too. I am seriously
deprived from not dancing, because I love it so much! I miss it a lot. Oh well, maybe I'll pick it up some day again, or I'll just have to be satisified with the dance offs my sister and I have from time to time in our kitchen...

the dizzy dancing way you feel

c'est moi
Tänkte presentera mig lite i taget. Först och främst så älskar jag att dansa. Alla sorters dans. Önskar också sådär löjligt i hemlighet att jag var en ballerina.

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