i am leaving for a ve-ve-very lo-o-ong time
So, I am leaving for my one and a half month long vacation in a few hours. As you may remember I am going to...


San Francisco,

and Maine!
I hope you will have the best time wherever you may be this summer, I know I will! I will most likely not have the time, nor the opportunity, to blog that much. Although, you can follow my vacation in pictures on Instagram. Search for juliahelleday and you'll find me!
Have a good one! :)
I hope you will have the best time wherever you may be this summer, I know I will! I will most likely not have the time, nor the opportunity, to blog that much. Although, you can follow my vacation in pictures on Instagram. Search for juliahelleday and you'll find me!
Have a good one! :)
recipe for the scrumptious strawberry meringue cake

150 gram soft butter
2 dl sugar
3 tsp baking soda
8 egg yolks
3 dl wheat flour
4 tbsp milk
juice from 1 lime
8 egg whites
4 dl sugar
peel from 1 lime
6 dl whipped cream
3 dl vanilla cream
fresh strawberries
1. Preheat oven to 150 degrees celcius.
2. Mix butter and sugar well together. Add baking soda and lime juice. Beat in egg yolks, one at a time for approximately 4-5 minutes. The batter is supposed to be light and fluffy.
3. Add wheat flour and milk to egg batter on low speed until just combined.
4. Pour into two greased and floured 20 cm round cake pans.
5. Tip the egg whites into a large clean mixing bowl (not plastic). Beat them on medium speed with an electric hand whisk until the mixture resembles a fluffy cloud and stands up in stiff peaks when the blades are lifted.
6. Add sugar and lime peel to egg whites and beat for another few minutes.
7. Spread meringue on sponge cake batter in the round cake pans.
8. Bake cake for approximately 45 minutes.
9. Let the cake cool completely before removing it from the cake pan.
10. Whip cream and make vanilla cream and cut up fresh strawberries.
11. Spread a layer of whipped cream and vanilla cream on the one of the cakes.
12. Lay out fresh strawberries and put on the next cake.
13. Spread another layer of whipped cream (either only on top or on the sides as well).
14. Decorate as pleased!
fruity watermelons and juicy limes

Today is a beautiful day! I am packing and preparing for my one and a half month long vacation away from home. This morning however I've taken a break. It is hot and sunny and wonderful outside, so it is a perfect day for a fresh fruitsalad with watermelon, apples, bananas, lime peel and lime juice. Sweet but still a bit tart. Scrumptious.

peanut butter chocolate cream cake

These past few weeks have been filled with cake-making, and I do not mind whatsoever! I have made cakes for my dad's birthday, mother's day, my graduation and now my sister's birthday. THIS is the one I made for my sister's surprise party we threw for her (more pictures from that later).
So now I present to you...a five layer chocolate cake with peanut butter cream cheese filling, covered with a light chocolate frosting, drizzled with a chocolate sauce and sprinkled with peanuts! It tasted just as heavenly as it sounded. I'll post the recipe later. It was so easy to make so everyone should definitely try it! Not kidding.
So now I present to you...a five layer chocolate cake with peanut butter cream cheese filling, covered with a light chocolate frosting, drizzled with a chocolate sauce and sprinkled with peanuts! It tasted just as heavenly as it sounded. I'll post the recipe later. It was so easy to make so everyone should definitely try it! Not kidding.

twisted pastel surprise birthday party

So, my sister's two friends and her boyfriend and I threw a big surprise party for Cornelia the other day. The theme was pastels (if it somehow escaped you when you saw the pictures)! We had planned it for a couple of weeks and it turned out just as amazing and wonderful as we wished it to! I will obviously show you all the food later, but now, this is what it looked like, and who came! We had a lot of games and stuff we did too, it was so much fun. It was such a success!

Cornelia had no idea whatsoever what was going on.

We surprised her with this garden party filled with deliciousness and scrumptiousness. Think "tea party in Alice in Wonderland" and you'll get the right feeling! It was great.

These were the wonderful people who came!

We threw whipped cream with candied cherries on each other. So fun!

we went strolling and drank lemonade

...and here you go, some more pictures!

strawberry meringue cake
I guess I can take a break from all the graduation pictures and focus on the food for a little bit. This is the cake I made for my graduation reception in the afternoon. A time for everyone to come to the graduate's house and celebrate the new freedom with them. I think it is awesome because I got to bake cookies, bread, cakes and make a whole lot of food for over a week! It was great!
The cake is made of a lemon meringue, whipped cream, vanilla cream, fresh strawberries and almond sprinkles. D-E-LICIOUS.


vanilla cream

whipped cream

fresh cut up strawberries


whipped cream

almond sprinkles

fresh mini strawberries

the magic hours of swedish summer nights

Last night I surprised my little sister for her birthday...again! I took her out at 1:00 AM in the car, put a blindfold on her and drove to a lake we have pretty close to our house. I had laid out tons of blankets, set up a little canopy, lit candles and brought picnic food! We actually made s'mores over the candles! My plan for the whole thing though was to see the sun set and rise, and oh yes did we not! It was so beautiful! We kind of did the same thing two years ago the night before I went to America, so it was a little bit nostalgic. If it is something I love about Sweden it is the light summer nights! They are magical. As was this birthday night. Congratulations to my lovely little sister once again!

we go together like rama-lama-lama-ke-ding-ah-de-dinga-a-dong

I hope you don't mind me posting some more graduation pictures...it will probably go on for a few blog posts! I like it at least! Here are some pictures from the actual graduation process! Happiest day of my life.

give me a second, I need to get my story straight

So obviously, pictures were taken, a lot of pictures. Here are some of the ones my lovely sister Cornelia has taken! We were so lucky with the weather and the light so everything came out so well. We could have taken photos of pigs and it still would have been great anyways.
So obviously, pictures were taken, a lot of pictures. Here are some of the ones my lovely sister Cornelia has taken! We were so lucky with the weather and the light so everything came out so well. We could have taken photos of pigs and it still would have been great anyways.